Taylor Adams, Colton Cook and Emily Finke are students in the Bard Conservatory Graduate Vocal Arts Program, studying with Met Opera star Stephanie Blythe. They are accompanied by pianist Viktória Sarkadi and Elizabeth Chernyak on strings.
Click here for more info - A recital celebrating the diversity of American Folk Music NO NAME | NO SLOGAN Avant-Garde Exhibition and Performances
THE BRASILES ARTS COLLECTIVE AVANT-GARDE EXHIBITION 2023 October 7 thru November 11 The Brasiles Ensemble keeps growing as the group premieres their effort through the new Brasiles Arts Collective with an ambitious six-week avant-garde art exhibition, entitled NO NAME | NO SLOGAN at Howland Cultural Center in Beacon, NY. Curated by Brasiles founder, Madeleine DeNitto with her husband, Clayton Scales, this exhibition will include pieces from working artists as far away as Los Angeles and Germany. Using a variety of mediums ranging from paintings and collages to sculptures and graffiti, this show is considered one for serious art collectors and enthusiasts. As listed below, there will be a different evening event during four of the six weekends, including educational lectures about the avant-garde movement, a film screening, a dramatic poetry reading and closing with a visual arts and music performance. Click here for more information on NO NAME | NO SLOGAN EXHIBIT and EVENTS |